Other pages that can be helpful
Places to find help:
Google's Linux search engine
Scott Robbins' pages
Quick'n'Dirty guides
linux@yahoogroups.com mailing list
The Linux Documentation ProjectPlaces that advocate the use of Linux and other Free Software:
Godwin Stewart's advocacy pages
Allen D. Tate's "Linux In Libraries" siteLinks to software that I find useful:
Slackware Linux
The XFCE Desktop Environment
Firefox web browser
Sylpheed mail client
Audacity audio editor
OpenOffice.org office suite
The GIMP image editor
ffmpegLinks to Linux User Groups:
Find a LUG near you
Godwin Stewart is a co-founder of the LUG Touraine (site in French)
Tokyo LUGLinks to other miscellany:
SpamCop mail filtering and spam reporting service
The Daily Kitten − irresistible :o)
Engrish − hilarious!
Preston Metal Detecting Group
The B*stard Operator from Hell on El Reg
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times since 23-MAR-2006